Browse School

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Housing Policy SXP-3210 Module
Poverty and Inequality SXP-2010 Module
20th Century Ideas & Movements HPS-2004 Module
20th Century Phil of Religion VPR-3331 Module
20th Century Phil of Religion VPR-2301 Module
Adv Unders. Police Const. role SXY-3026 Module
AI Ethics UXS-3083 Module
AI Ethics UXS-2803 Module
Analys. Social & Political Deb SXU-2002 Module
Applied Ethics (Spec. Study) VPD-4002 Module
Applying theory to practice: S SXY-2005 Module
Archaeological Principles&Tech HXA-1105 Module
Archaeological Principles&Tech HXA-1005 Module
Archeoleg Hanesyddol HXC-1013 Module
Arts, Humanities & the future KAH-0002 Module
Athroniaeth Crefydd 20 ganrif VPC-2301 Module
Athroniaeth Crefydd yr 20fed G VPC-3331 Module
Athroniaeth yr Oesoedd Canol 2 VPC-2000 Module
Athroniaeth yr Oesoedd Canol 2 VPC-3000 Module
Britain in the Jazz Age HTH-2150 Module
Britain in the Jazz Age HTH-3150 Module
Britain: Blitz to Brexit HXH-1012 Module
Buddhism in the Modern World VPR-3400 Module
Buddhism in the Modern World VPR-2400 Module
Business & Human Rights SXL-4857 Module
Business Law & Practice SXL-3208 Module
Business Law & Practice SXL-3207 Module
Cenhedloedd Sbaen 20fed ganrif HGC-3007 Module
Cenhedloedd Sbaen 20fed ganrif HGC-2007 Module
Classical Social Theory SXS-2035 Module
Climate Change & Environmental SXU-3131 Module
Climate Change and the Politic SXU-4006 Module
Commercial Law SXL-3150 Module
Commercial Law SXL-2150 Module
Community policing: values and SXY-2010 Module
Comparative & Intl Crim Just SXY-4020 Module
Contemp Issues in Int Envi Law SXL-4854 Module
Contract Law SXL-2212 Module
Contract Law SXL-1112 Module
Crefft yr Hanesydd HAC-2055 Module
Crime & Justice in Mod Britain SXY-2002 Module
Crime & the Media SXY-2004 Module
Crime and the Media SXY-3004 Module
Criminal Evidence SXL-2125 Module
Criminal Evidence SXL-3125 Module
Criminal Law SXL-1200 Module
Criminal Law SXL-2113 Module
Criminal Law Dissertation SXL-3114 Module
Criminological Theory SXY-2001 Module
Critical Heritage Studies HPH-4036 Module
Cyflwyniad Hanes Modern HXC-1004 Module
Cyflwyniad i Droseddeg SCY-1004 Module
Cyflwyniad i Gristnogaeth VPC-1303 Module
Cyflwyniad i Gyf Troseddol SCY-1002 Module
Cyflwyniad i Hanes a Threftada HXW-1011 Module
Cymdeithaseg a'r Byd Cyfoes SCS-1004 Module
Cymdeithaseg Cerddoriaeth SCU-2012 Module
Cymdeithaseg Cerddoriaeth SCU-3005 Module
Cymhwyso theori ag Ymarfer SCY-2205 Module
Cymru yn y Byd Modern HXC-1006 Module
Cymru: Tywysogion i Duduriaid HXC-1007 Module
Cynllunio Ieithyddol SCS-4008 Module
Deall Trosedd SCY-2001 Module
Death of God HPS-1004 Module
Debating the disciplines HPS-0001 Module
DHEP Community Policing HPJ-3005 Module
DHEP Community Policing HPO-3005 Module
DHEP Community Policing HPU-3005 Module
DHEP Community Policing HPY-3005 Module
DHEP Community Policing HPP-3005 Module
DHEP Community Policing HPM-3005 Module
DHEP E-Crime & Roads Policing HPO-3006 Module
DHEP E-Crime & Roads Policing HPY-3006 Module
DHEP E-Crime & Roads Policing HPJ-3006 Module
DHEP E-Crime & Roads Policing HPP-3006 Module
DHEP E-Crime & Roads Policing HPU-3006 Module
DHEP E-Crime & Roads Policing HPM-3006 Module
DHEP Evidence Based Policing HPO-3004 Module
DHEP Evidence Based Policing HPM-3004 Module
DHEP Evidence Based Policing HPU-3004 Module
DHEP Evidence Based Policing HPJ-3004 Module
DHEP Intro to CJS HPJ-3002 Module
DHEP Intro to CJS HPY-3002 Module
DHEP Intro to CJS HPO-3002 Module
DHEP Intro to CJS HPU-3002 Module
DHEP Intro to CJS HPM-3002 Module
DHEP Intro to CJS HPP-3002 Module
DHEP Inv OrgCRim & Strat Think HPO-3007 Module
DHEP Inv OrgCRim & Strat Think HPU-3007 Module
DHEP Inv OrgCRim & Strat Think HPM-3007 Module
DHEP Inv OrgCRim & Strat Think HPJ-3007 Module
DHEP Inv OrgCRim & Strat Think HPY-3007 Module
DHEP Inv OrgCRim & Strat Think HPP-3007 Module
DHEP Investigation & Response HPU-3001 Module
DHEP Investigation & Response HPP-3001 Module
DHEP Investigation & Response HPM-3001 Module
DHEP Investigation & Response HPJ-3001 Module
DHEP Investigation & Response HPO-3001 Module
DHEP Investigation & Response HPY-3001 Module
DHEP Police Constable Role HPP-3000 Module
DHEP Police Constable Role HPY-3000 Module
DHEP Police Constable Role HPM-3000 Module
DHEP Police Constable Role HPU-3000 Module
DHEP Police Constable Role HPO-3000 Module
DHEP Police Constable Role HPJ-3000 Module
DHEP Theory to Practice HPP-3003 Module
DHEP Theory to Practice HPY-3003 Module
DHEP Theory to Practice HPM-3003 Module
DHEP Theory to Practice HPJ-3003 Module
DHEP Theory to Practice HPO-3003 Module
DHEP Theory to Practice HPU-3003 Module
Digital Policing and E-Crime SXY-2008 Module
Dissertation HPH-4075 Module
Dissertation SXL-3113 Module
Dissertation SXU-4016 Module
Dissertation SXL-4200 Module
Dissertation SXL-4300 Module
Dissertation HPS-3006 Module
Dissertation - J HPH-4076 Module
Dissertation - J SXU-4017 Module
Dissertation -J SXL-4301 Module
Documents and Sources - Modern HPH-4007 Module
Documents and sources Med&EMod HPH-4006 Module
Dulliau Ymchwil SCU-2001 Module
Eastern Phil & Religion (SS) VPD-4024 Module
Edward Goncwerwr HGC-3161 Module
Edward Goncwerwr HGC-2161 Module
Emperors, Shoguns, and Trading HTH-2230 Module
Empirical Evidence-Based Polic SXY-3028 Module
Environmental Law SXL-3124 Module
Environmental Law SXL-2124 Module
Equity and Trusts SXL-2211 Module
Equity and Trusts SXL-3311 Module
Essential Skills for Arts& Hum KAH-0001 Module
Ethical Theory (Spec. Study) VPD-4001 Module
Europe 1945-1992 HGH-3138 Module
Europe 1945-1992 HGH-2138 Module
Europe in the High Middle Ages HXH-1011 Module
Evidence Based Policing Disser SXY-3024 Module
Existentialism HPS-1005 Module
Exorcism HPS-2009 Module
Exorcism HPS-3009 Module
Family & Welfare Law SXL-3126 Module
Family and Welfare Law SXL-2126 Module
From Crime to Punishment 2024- SXY-2012 Module
From Crime to Punishment 2024- SXY-3035 Module
GenPer SXS-2097 Module
Geoarchaeology HTA-3126 Module
Geoarchaeology HTA-2126 Module
Global Trade Law SXL-4010 Module
Global Wales HPW-4007 Module
Globalisation & Social Change SXS-3030 Module
Glorious Rev. in Eng. & Wales HSH-3040 Module
Going to the Devil HSH-3142 Module
Graffiti: Marking Space & Time HTA-3124 Module
Graffiti: Marking Space & Time HTA-2124 Module
Hawliau Ieithyddol SCS-3010 Module
Hawliau Ieithyddol SCS-4010 Module
Health Policies SXP-4037 Module
Iddewiaeth yn Byd Modern VPC-2404 Module
Iddewiaeth yn y Byd Modern VPC-3404 Module
Initiating a Research Project HPH-4008 Module
Initiating Research Proj MArts HPH-4026 Module
Int. Climate Change Law & Pol. SXL-4052 Module
Intellectual Property Law SXL-3136 Module
Intellectual Property Law SXL-4004 Module
Intellectual Property Law SXL-4204 Module
International Criminal Law SXL-4241 Module
International Criminal Law SXL-4041 Module
International Experience SXU-3115 Module
International Human Rights Law SXL-4042 Module
International Law of the Sea SXL-3142 Module
International Placement SXU-3130 Module
International Year Abroad Law SXL-2901 Module
Intn'l Commercial Arbitration SXL-4006 Module
Intro Criminal Justice (Int) SXY-1107 Module
Intro Modern History 1815-1914 HXH-1104 Module
Intro Modern History1815-1914 HXH-1004 Module
Intro to Ancient Philosophy VPR-1102 Module
Intro to Criminal Justice SXY-1007 Module
Intro to History & Heritage HXH-1105 Module
Intro to History and Heritage HXH-1005 Module
Intro. to British Prehistory HXA-1006 Module
Intro. to Historic Archaeology HXA-1008 Module
Introduction to Christianity VPR-1303 Module
Introduction to Criminology SXY-1005 Module
Introduction to Criminology an SXY-1013 Module
Introduction to Law & Justice SXL-0001 Module
Introduction to Sociology SXU-1003 Module
Investigating Complex Crimes SXY-2007 Module
Islam:Hist, Soc and Beliefs HPS-1007 Module
Judaism in the Modern World VPR-2404 Module
Judaism in the Modern World VPR-3404 Module
Key Issues in Criminology SXY-4015 Module
Key Issues in Social Policy SXP-4040 Module
Land Law SXL-3111 Module
Land Law SXL-2204 Module
Later Prehistoric Communities HTA-3116 Module
Later Prehistoric Communities HTA-2116 Module
Law & Technology SXL-3202 Module
Law & Technology SXL-2202 Module
Law 120 Credits Prior Learning SXL-1214 Module
Law of Sea SXL-2142 Module
Law, Justice & Procedure SXL-1201 Module
Law, Justice & Procedure SXL-2201 Module
Law, Justice and Rights SXL-2135 Module
Law, Justice and Rights SXL-3135 Module
Legal Advice Clinic 1 2024-25 SXL-3155 Module
Legal Advice Clinic 2 2024-25 SXL-3156 Module
Legal Research Methods SXL-4109 Module
Legal Research Methods SXL-4009 Module
Legal Research Methods SXL-4209 Module
Legal Skills SXL-1115 Module
Legal Skills SXL-2215 Module
Living the Good Life VPR-1331 Module
Lleoliad Gwaith HAC-3001 Module
Lleoliad Gwaith - Semester 2 HAC-2005 Module
MA Work Placement HPS-4005 Module
Making History HPS-2055 Module
MArts Dissertation HPH-4050 Module
Materion Cyfraith Trosedd SCL-3030 Module
Media Law SXL-2130 Module
Media Law SXL-3130 Module
Medical Law and Ethics 2024-25 SXL-3154 Module
Medieval Philosophy 2024-25 VPR-3000 Module
Medieval Philosophy 2024-25 VPR-2000 Module
Methods for Evidence Based Pol SXY-2009 Module
MRes Dissertation VPR-4410 Module
Nationalism and Minorities SXS-4064 Module
Nationalism in the UK HSH-3045 Module
Norman Sicily HGH-3139 Module
Oes y Digwyddiad 1770-1835 HTC-3160 Module
Oes Y Digwyddiad: 1770-1835 HTC-2160 Module
Organised Crime and Counter-Te SXY-3023 Module
Owain Glyndwr a'i Fudiad HTC-2123 Module
Owain Glyndwr a'i Fudiad HTC-3123 Module
Owain Glyndwr and his Movement HTW-3123 Module
Owain Glyndwr and his Movement HTW-2123 Module
PCDA Coach Mentor & Assess HPY-3015 Module
PCDA Coach Mentor & Assess HPU-3015 Module
PCDA Coach Mentor & Assess HPJ-3015 Module
PCDA Coach Mentor & Assess HPP-3015 Module
PCDA Coach Mentor & Assess HPO-3015 Module
PCDA Coach Mentor & Assess HPM-3015 Module
PCDA Community Policing HPM-2013 Module
PCDA Community Policing HPO-2013 Module
PCDA Community Policing HPP-2013 Module
PCDA Community Policing HPJ-2013 Module
PCDA Community Policing HPU-2013 Module
PCDA Community Policing HPY-2013 Module
PCDA Core Issues in Policing HPY-1013 Module
PCDA Core Issues in Policing HPO-1013 Module
PCDA Core issues in Policing HPP-1013 Module
PCDA Core Issues in Policing HPJ-1013 Module
PCDA Core Issues in Policing HPM-1013 Module
PCDA Core Issues in Policing HPU-1013 Module
PCDA Dissertation HPP-3012 Module
PCDA Dissertation HPJ-3012 Module
PCDA Dissertation HPU-3012 Module
PCDA Dissertation HPM-3012 Module
PCDA Dissertation HPO-3012 Module
PCDA Dissertation HPY-3012 Module
PCDA E-Crime HPO-2014 Module
PCDA E-Crime HPM-2014 Module
PCDA E-Crime HPU-2014 Module
PCDA E-Crime HPP-2014 Module
PCDA E-Crime HPY-2014 Module
PCDA E-Crime HPJ-2014 Module
PCDA Evidence Based Policing HPY-2012 Module
PCDA Evidence Based Policing HPJ-2012 Module
PCDA Evidence Based Policing HPP-2012 Module
PCDA Evidence Based Policing HPU-2012 Module
PCDA Evidence Based Policing HPO-2012 Module
PCDA Evidence Based Policing HPM-2012 Module
PCDA Intro to CJS HPU-1012 Module
PCDA Intro to CJS HPP-1012 Module
PCDA Intro to CJS HPM-1012 Module
PCDA Intro to CJS HPO-1012 Module
PCDA Intro to CJS HPY-1012 Module
PCDA Intro to CJS HPJ-1012 Module
PCDA Inv Org Criminality Int HPY-2016 Module
PCDA Inv Org Criminality Int HPU-2016 Module
PCDA Inv Org Criminality Int HPO-2016 Module
PCDA Inv Org Criminality Int HPJ-2016 Module
PCDA Inv Org Criminality Int HPM-2016 Module
PCDA Investigating Org Crim Ad HPJ-3013 Module
PCDA Investigating Org Crim Ad HPO-3013 Module
PCDA Investigating Org Crim Ad HPP-3013 Module
PCDA Investigating Org Crim Ad HPM-3013 Module
PCDA Investigating Org Crim Ad HPU-3013 Module
PCDA Investigating Org Crim Ad HPY-3013 Module
PCDA Investigation & Response HPU-1011 Module
PCDA Investigation & Response HPM-1011 Module
PCDA Investigation & Response HPJ-1011 Module
PCDA Investigation & Response HPP-1011 Module
PCDA Investigation & Response HPO-1011 Module
PCDA Investigation & Response HPY-1011 Module
PCDA Police Cnstable Role Int HPP-2011 Module
PCDA Police Cnstable Role Int HPU-2011 Module
PCDA Police Cnstable Role Int HPM-2011 Module
PCDA Police Cnstable Role Int HPY-2011 Module
PCDA Police Constable Role HPU-1010 Module
PCDA Police Constable Role HPJ-1010 Module
PCDA Police Constable Role HPO-1010 Module
PCDA Police Constable Role HPY-1010 Module
PCDA Police Constable Role HPM-1010 Module
PCDA Police Constable Role Adv HPP-3010 Module
PCDA Police Constable Role Adv HPM-3010 Module
PCDA Police Constable Role Adv HPO-3010 Module
PCDA Police Constable Role Adv HPY-3010 Module
PCDA Police Constable Role Adv HPJ-3010 Module
PCDA Police Constable Role Adv HPU-3010 Module
PCDA Police Constable Role Int HPO-2011 Module
PCDA Police Constable Role Int HPJ-2011 Module
PCDA Police Contstable Role HPP-1010 Module
PCDA Policing the Roads HPO-2015 Module
PCDA Policing the Roads HPP-2015 Module
PCDA Policing the Roads HPJ-2015 Module
PCDA Policing the Roads HPU-2015 Module
PCDA Policing the Roads HPM-2015 Module
PCDA Policing the Roads HPY-2015 Module
PCDA Policing the Roads (Adv) HPY-3011 Module
PCDA Policing the Roads (Adv) HPU-3011 Module
PCDA Policing the Roads (Adv) HPP-3011 Module
PCDA Policing the Roads (Adv) HPJ-3011 Module
PCDA Policing the Roads (Adv) HPO-3011 Module
PCDA Policing the Roads (Adv) HPM-3011 Module
PCDA Strategic Thinking HPP-3014 Module
PCDA Strategic Thinking HPM-3014 Module
PCDA Strategic Thinking HPY-3014 Module
PCDA Strategic Thinking HPO-3014 Module
PCDA Strategic Thinking HPJ-3014 Module
PCDA Strategic Thinking HPU-3014 Module
PCDA Theory to Practice HPO-2010 Module
PCDA Theory to Practice HPP-2010 Module
PCDA Theory to Practice HPU-2010 Module
PCDA Theory to Practice HPJ-2010 Module
PCDA Theory to practice HPY-2010 Module
PCDA Theory to Practice HPM-2010 Module
People, Power, and Political A HPH-4052 Module
Personal (PTPI) SXP-3050 Module
Perspectives on Youth Crime SXY-3021 Module
Police Accountability and the SXY-1010 Module
Police Investigations SXY-1012 Module
Policing Community and Partner SXY-1009 Module
Policing the Roads SXY-2006 Module
Policing, Security & State SXY-2011 Module
Policing, Security & The State SXY-3007 Module
Political Philosophy VPR-3220 Module
Political Philosophy VPR-2220 Module
Postgraduate Portfolio 1 HPH-4019 Module
Postgraduate Portfolio 2 HPH-4020 Module
Practical Professional Skills SXL-3205 Module
Practical Professional Skills SXL-2203 Module
Practical Professional Skills SXL-3203 Module
Prehist. Arch Irish Sea Zone HPA-4004 Module
Principles of Politics HPS-1002 Module
Property Practice SXL-3209 Module
Property Practice SXL-3213 Module
Public International Law SXL-4040 Module
Public Law SXL-1110 Module
Public Law SXL-2210 Module
Race democracy * pol ideology HPS-3003 Module
Reflecting on Work or Voluntee SXY-3029 Module
Research Process and Meaning SXU-4005 Module
Research Skills HPS-4004 Module
Research Strategy and Design SXU-4004 Module
Rethinking Archaeology HTA-2120 Module
Rhaniadau Cymdeithasol SCU-1006 Module
Serial Killers HPS-3015 Module
Sex and Society HPS-3206 Module
Sex and Society HPS-2206 Module
Social & Political Research SXU-2001 Module
Social Divisions SXU-1006 Module
Social Policy and the State HPS-1001 Module
Strategic Thinking in Policing SXY-3025 Module
Tackling Inequalities SXP-4015 Module
The Age of Reform 1770-1835 HTH-2160 Module
The Age of Reform 1770-1835 HTH-3160 Module
The East India Company HTH-3330 Module
The Existential Struggle VPR-3050 Module
The Existential Struggle VPR-2050 Module
The Glorious Revolution HPH-4030 Module
The Guardians of Heritage HTH-2110 Module
The Guardians of Heritage HTH-3110 Module
The Kingdom in the Sun: Norman HGH-2139 Module
The Six Lives of Henry VIII HXH-1002 Module
The Tudors 1485-1603 HGH-3133 Module
The Tudors 1485-1603 HGH-2133 Module
The UK, EU Law and Brexit SXL-3070 Module
The United States, 1877-1945 HGH-3118 Module
The United States, 1877-1945 HGH-2118 Module
Themes - Eastern Religion/Phil VPR-1110 Module
Themes and issues in History HPH-4005 Module
Theori Gymdeithasegol SCS-2007 Module
Theori Gymdeithasegol SCS-3007 Module
Theorizing Society SXS-4070 Module
Theorizing Society & Politics SXS-3003 Module
Theory&Interp. in Archaeology HPA-4003 Module
Time and Tide HTA-3125 Module
Time and Tide HTA-2125 Module
Tort SXL-3212 Module
Tort SXL-2112 Module
Toulouse Prior Learning SXL-2221 Module
Toulouse Prior Learning SXL-1215 Module
Traethawd Hir SCU-4016 Module
Traethawd Hir HAC-3006 Module
Traethawd Hir SCU-3010 Module
Traethawd Hir SCL-3113 Module
Transnational Crime SXY-4010 Module
Under the Hammer: Edward I HGW-2161 Module
Under the Hammer: Edward I HGW-3161 Module
Understanding the Middle Ages KAH-4401 Module
Understanding the Police Const SXY-1008 Module
Vulnerability and Risk in Crim SXY-1015 Module
Vulnerability, Risk, and Publi SXY-1011 Module
Wales in the Modern World HXW-1010 Module
Wales, Renaissance & Europe HTW-3127 Module
Wales, Renaissance & Europe HTW-2127 Module
Wales: Princes to Tudors HXW-1007 Module
Wills & Estates SXL-3214 Module
Wills & Estates SXL-3215 Module
Work Placement HPS-3001 Module
Work Placement - Semester 2 HPS-2005 Module
Work Placement Module SXL-3600 Module
Work Placement Module SXL-2600 Module
World Heritage HPH-4034 Module
Y Gyfraith yn Gymraeg SCL-1115 Module
Y Wladwriaeth Les HAC-1001 Module
Youth Crime, Vul & Abuse SXY-3022 Module
Youth,Crme,Vulerab&Abuse HPS-4014 Module

Lists linked to Ysgol Hanes, Y Gyfraith a Gwyddorau Cymdeithas | School of History, Law and Social Sciences

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