Browse Hierarchy 8010: Coleg y Celfyddydau, Dyniaethau a Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol | College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Browse College
Name Sort by name | Code Sort by code | Type Sort by type |
Business (Changsha) | 0015 | School |
Ysgol Addysg | School of Education | 0510 | School |
Ysgol Busnes Bangor | Bangor Business School | 0010 | School |
Ysgol Cymraeg | School of Welsh | 3007 | School |
Ysgol Hanes, Y Gyfraith a Gwyddorau Cymdeithas | School of History, Law and Social Sciences | 3001 | School |
Ysgol Ieithoedd, Diwylliant a'r Celfddydau | School of Arts, Culture and Language | 3002 | School |
Lists linked to Coleg y Celfyddydau, Dyniaethau a Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol | College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
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